Mirc Aliases! Fun Fun Nick-spamming tools!
Add these to your mirc aliases and make nick changing easy as 1,2,3!
Featuring examples of Sapphire, queen of shoujo wuv :P

/sing /say o/~ $1- o/~

Well not a nick alias, but a fun little alias for singing in channel ;)

/add if ($count($me, |) == 0)  /nick $me $+ $chr(124) $+ $1

Turn your nick from Sapphire to anything like this Sapphire|wuv

/out  if ($count($me, |) == 0) /nick $me $+ |out

Turn your nick from Sapphire to Sapphire|out

/app /nick $me $+ $chr(124) $+ $1

Turn your nick from Sapphire|wuv to Sapphire|wuv|insane

/rep if ($count($me, |) != 0)  /nick $left($me, $calc($pos($me,|,1)-1)) $+ $chr(124) $+ $1

Turn your nick from Sapphire|wuv to Sapphire|nuts

/back if ($count($me, |) != 0)  /nick $left($me, $calc($pos($me,|,1)-1))

Turn your nick from Sapphire|out|insane|nuts|shoujo to Sapphire

/nic /nick $$1 $+ $right($me, $calc($len($me)-$pos($me,|,1)+1))

Turn your nick from Sapphire|crazy to Merli|crazy